Blog, Hepatitis B

A comprehensive overview of Hepatitis B

Hepatitis B

Hepatitis B is a liver infection caused by the Hepatitis B virus (HBV), which does some serious damage to the patient’s liver. Like the Hepatitis C virus, Hepatitis B infection can be chronic, which means that it can last within a person’s body for more than six months. Chronic Hepatitis C virus, if left untreated, can lead to serious liver infections and even liver cancer.


If dealt with properly, Hepatitis B infection is not very deadly or fatal. There are many cases in which some patients have fully recovered despite having severe signs and symptoms. Like infants or children, patients with a weak immune system are likely to develop a chronic Hepatitis B infection.


Symptoms: Hepatitis B is transmitted via the HBV virus, and therefore the signs and symptoms may differ according to the patient’s age, gender, immunity levels, and medical history. Signs and symptoms of the Hepatitis B virus are not severe. Some of the symptoms can be detected two months after getting the infection, and in the case of infants and children, the symptoms may not be visible at all. Some of the common symptoms include: – Abdominal pain, dark yellow urine, nausea, weakness, losing appetite, and yellowing of the skin.


Precautions and treatment


1] Hepatitis B is a virus that infects the liver, and if dealt with proper treatment and urgency, it can be cured. Adults contract this virus via blood and other bodily fluids, so see that you do not inject already used syringes and needles.


2] Due to the health care associations’ efforts and the increasing awareness about hygiene, a vaccine for Hepatitis B was developed in the early 1980s. Ensure that when you are planning to travel to an area where there are many patients of Hepatitis B, consult a local doctor, and get vaccinated for the virus. The vaccine is given three times in 6 months.


 3] If you work at a hospital, make sure that you always keep sanitizing yourself. The virus does not transmit via contact, but it is better to take the utmost care always.


4] If you are showing any signs or symptoms of the virus, I would recommend you to consult a doctor immediately and start a systematic dosage of the Tenof pills, which reduces the multiplication of the virus. 

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