All you need to know about Hepatitis C infection

Hepatitis C is a deadly infection that can highly damage a person’s Liver. This infection is caused due to the HCV virus. The HCV virus can be transferred via blood and other bodily fluids. Just as blood cancer, Hepatitis C exists in different types called Genotypes. Different genotypes damage different components of the liver. The most common HCV genotype is Type 1.
Symptoms: Hepatitis C can last for a long time or a very short time. Long-lasting Hepatitis C is called Chronic Hepatitis C. Chronic Hepatitis C is a very slow and steady type of infection. The person does not realize the infection’s presence until it starts damaging the liver. Some of the signs and symptoms of a chronic Hepatitis C virus are as follows:
Bleeding, bruising, fatigue, weakness, yellowness of skin, drowsiness, delirium, frequent itching, and many more.
Just like chronic Hepatitis C, acute Hepatitis C can show some of these symptoms. In acute Hepatitis C, the signs and symptoms are already present, and thus urgent medical action can be taken. Some of the signs and symptoms may include jaundice, malaria, insomnia, fatigue, fever, and headaches. Acute Hepatitis C symptoms last for 2 to 3 months after getting infected.
Risk factors if you have the infection: If you have contracted the Hepatitis C infection, there may be some risks and complications involved if you also come under any of these categories:
1] If you are an HIV positive patient, the Hepatitis C virus can be very harmful.
2] If you work in any medical association, chances are that you might have come in contact with any used blood syringes of a Hepatitis C patient.
3] Hepatitis C can be hereditary in some cases. So, there are chances that you might have contracted Hepatitis C from your mother.
Prevention and Treatment: Hepatitis C is an infection contracted via blood and other bodily fluids. So, make sure to see that the syringes and needles used on you in a medical clinic or a tattoo shop are new and hygienic. Treatment can be done via oral dosage and syringes. Consult a specialist as soon as possible if you detect any symptoms and ask for a well-planned treatment. You can even start a proper dosage of Myhep all tablets, which can help you revitalize your immune system and alleviate your pain.