Is Hepatitis C Curable?

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Hepcdac 60 mg for Hepatitis C
One of the most serious viruses is Hepatitis C, as it has no vaccine. Hepatitis C has no vaccine, but there are still medical treatments that can reduce the load of the virus to the level in which it can’t be detected anymore and can be considered cured. You are considered to be cured of this disease when the virus is undetected in your bloodstream after twelve weeks of treatment. It is also called SVR or sustained virologic response. But with the development of new medical treatment in recent years, doctors can manage this virus better compared to the past centuries.
There are antiviral drugs like Hepcdac 60 mg available these days, which help cure hepatitis c and save patients from chronic liver disease and other health complications. According to reports of CDC, half of the people who are affected with hepatitis C can clear this virus without any medical treatment as they belong to a short-term acute condition. However, this disease soon develops into a chronic disease that needs good treatment for maximum people. Hepatitis C is known to cause serious liver damage as there are no symptoms to show signs of the virus present and early testing to get cured. Hepcdac 60 mg is the best medicine for Hepatitis C.
New treatment of Hepatitis C
Diagnosis of hepatitis C is now aided by many noninvasive methods that help in testing liver conditions and damage. The FDA has approved an antiviral drug as a treatment method (8weeks) for Hepatitis C in 2019 called MacyretTrusted Source. It has replaced the twelve-week treatment that took place in the early days and is utilized by maximum people. This 8-week treatment for Hepatitis C is approved for both children (12years or older who have no symptoms of cirrhosis or treated earlier for any virus) and adults.
Besides this, MRE (magnetic resonance) and TE (transient Elastography) are two imaging tests that have come along with a liver biopsy to measure the stiffness, damage of the liver, and presence of the virus. These tests help detect fibrotic damage and can measure the liver completely.
Emerging treatments
Treatment and vaccine for Hepatitis C can be a subject matter for ongoing research researchers are conducting. Researchers are now planning to bring future vaccines and are in the stage of a clinical trial to measure the effectiveness of a vaccine to enhance the immunity system and treat chronic hepatitis C by killing the virus.
Current treatment
Certain medicines like Hepcdac 60 mg, daclatasvir, daclatasvir 60mg work by enhancing the person’s immune systems to kill the virus. Hepcdac 60 mg help the body to get rid of virus and consist of a variable cure rate with certain side effects. FDA has also approved many medications and antivirals that have directly attacked hepatitis C. These drugs have shown good success rates, especially in treating adults. Some recommended treatments among antivirals are- Hepcdac 60 mg, daclatasvir, daclatasvir 60mg.
These drugs have DAAs (direct-acting antivirals) that attack the viral components directly and clear the virus from your system over eight to twenty-four weeks. It is said that hepatitis C can be cured if you receive SVR (sustained virology response) after medical treatment.
It is possible to cure hepatitis C with proper treatment. More than 95% of people affected with this virus are cured using antiviral medicines, as per the reports of WHO. A study in the year 2015 states that people can lower their risk of getting chronic liver disease and prevent death by achieving SVR, and they have a lapse relapse rate of one to two percent.