Lockdown may be extended In India

India, like the rest of the world, is currently battling COVID-19, a deadly disease that has infected many. It originated in Wuhan city located in China and the micro-organism that causes the disease goes by the name Novel Coronavirus. The virus is not air-borne and it spreads through human contact. Therefore, for safety measures to stop the spread of the virus, a 21-day lockdown has been implemented by the Government of India. The lockdown commenced from 24 March 2020. All transport systems were barred to the public, except in exceptional cases. Hostels, businesses and other organizations where people gather in large numbers, were shut down.
After observing the enormous number of cases in Italy, it was necessary for India to go on a three-week lockdown. But looking at the current state of the country where cases are increasing day by day it is safe to say that the lockdown will have to be extended further. Prime Minister Narendra Modi has himself stated this and on April 11, another meeting of all state Chief Ministers will be held to make the final decision.
Currently, there is no cure for coronavirus. However, it can be treated on an early-symptom basis. Many patients in the early stages have recovered successfully. Various companies such as Bharat Biotech and Zydus Cadila are developing vaccines that are currently being tested out in trials, and it could take about 12 to 18 months for a vaccine to be introduced into the market.