Risk factors and prevention of Hepatitis C

As you all know that Hepatitis C is a blood-borne disease. It easily gets transmitted through blood to blood contact.
Who can get affected with Hepatitis C?
- If your blood comes in contact with the affected person’s blood may be in the hospital or while blood transfusion or organ transplant.
- Being injected with drugs
- The child of the pregnant affected women also gets Hepatitis C
- If you get tattooed in an unhygienic place
- If you have undergone hemodialysis
- Having sex with many partners or if you have an STD
Prevention of Hepatitis C
As of now, there is no vaccine for Hepatitis C. However, efforts are made to find a vaccine for Hepatitis C.
Since Hepatitis C is transmitted through blood-to-contact, unaffected people should make sure of their safety and keep in mind the following:
- Avoid having sex with multiple partners
- If one is affected by an STD, he or she should go and take a proper treatment first.
- Avoid usage of an unsterile needle for the intake of drugs. Make sure that you don’t share the needles with anyone.
- Healthcare professionals need to be careful while dealing with needles. They should take proper precautions.
- While getting a tattoo, do not make use of unsterile needles and see to it that the environment around you is clean.
Facts about Hepatitis C
- The CDC calls Hepatitis C as a silent epidemic.
- There is no vaccine for Hepatitis C
- Even if the liver transplant is made, the patient cannot be sure to be cured of hepatitis C. He is further given medication.
- Nearly 20-25% of the affected people with acute Hepatitis C get cured without any treatment.
- Many liver transplants happen due to Hepatitis C
- A person affected with Hepatitis C doesn’t need to also have HIV.
If you ever find out that you are affected with hepatitis C, then approach the doctor. All must take these precautions in their day to day life to prevent this disease.
I hope, this article helped create awareness on the prevention of hepatitis C.
Source links,
Source: https://liverfoundation.org/for-patients/about-the-liver/diseases-of-the-liver/hepatitis-c/diagnosing-hepatitis-c/#how-can-i-prevent-getting-hepatitis-c
Source: https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/hepatitis-c/symptoms-causes/syc-20354278