What are the Symptoms and Causes of Hepatitis C?

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Symptoms of Hepatitis C
Hepatitis C is a kind of contagious liver disease that can lead to liver failure, cirrhosis, and even liver cancer. Early diagnosis and treatment of hep C can help to prevent liver cancer. However, if this disease is left untreated, it can prove fatal. Hepatitis C is caused by the hepatitis C virus known as HCV. This virus causes inflammation, dysfunction, swelling, and damage to liver cells. As per sources hepatitis C is a common viral infection that affects people in the United States mostly, and approximately 2.4 million people are suffering from this disease, with most of them having no idea that HCV infects them.
How is hepatitis c treated?
Hepatitis C virus can be transmitted from sharing needles or other equipment in a medical setting or through the blood to blood contact. It can be of short-term infection- an acute and long-lasting disease called chronic hepatitis C. Symptoms for acut
hepatitis can last up to 6 months, and around 50% of the time, acute hepatitis C infection converts into a chronic infection. Although there are no medicines to prevent causing hepatitis C infection, there are effective medications like ledifos that can help cure hep C and reduce the risk of this infection.
Ledifos tablet uses are greatly known in the medical field as it helps stop cancerous cells from multiplying and progressing to the advanced chronic stage. With modern treatments, hep C can be cured in most cases.
Causes of hepatitis C
HCV causes hepatitis C, and people may transmit this virus when they come in contact directly with contaminated blood. Following are the risk factors that can develop hepatitis C :
- Using injectable drugs
- Received organ transplant or transfusion before 1992
- Exposure to healthcare equipment or needles
- Babies who are born to mothers who are infected with hepatitis C.
- Having sexual intercourse without taking barrier protection which can increase the chance of coming in contact with blood
- Getting tattoos from an unregulated provider
- Getting invasive healthcare techniques like injections. Research says that syringes must be cleaned, and sterile syringes should be used.
- Sharing personal items like razors, toothbrushes, etc with others
Symptoms of hepatitis c
Hepatitis C can start from a mild fever or illness that lasts for a few weeks and can develop into a chronic and severe infection later. At the acute stage, people don’t show any symptoms of hepatitis C and remain unaware that they are affected by HCV and transmit the virus to others.
Acute stage
Acute hepatitis is a stage where there are no symptoms of hepatitis C. This is why people don’t receive any diagnosis. Acute symptoms of hepatitis C are similar to viral infection and can include the following signs-
- Dark urine
- Fatigue
- Fever
- Nausea
- Abdominal pain
- Jaundice
- Loss of appetite
- Joint pain
According to research, people with acute hepatitis C can clear the virus from their body without developing a chronic infection or other treatment.
Chronic stage
If your body can’t clear this virus, acute hepatitis C develops into a chronic one. The chronic stage of hepatitis C shows no symptoms or can show general symptoms of hepatitis C like depression or chronic fatigue. It can be detected when the person goes for a routine blood test. Early treatment and diagnosis with regular medicines like sofosbuvir tablets 400 mg can prevent damage to the liver. If chronic hepatitis C is left untreated, it can cause liver scarring or cirrhosis, chronic liver disease, and liver cancer, so you can also opt for Ledifos buy online to get timely treatment for hepatitis C.