Can we treat HIV with Medicines?

Treat HIV with Medicines
Human Immunodeficiency Virus can damage your immune system by damaging CD4T cells. CD4T cells are white blood cells that help to fight against infection, but the loss of these cells can result in losing the body’s capability to fight against HIV-related diseases and cancers. Without proper treatment and medication, HIV will destroy the body’s immune system and will progress to the advanced HIV or AIDS stage. However, it is possible to control and treat HIV infection with proper medication like Trustiva. HIV treatment includes taking effective medication and drugs as prescribed by doctors so that the viral load can be reduced in the body. The two popular HIV treatment options are PrEP and PEP.
How do medications work to treat HIV?
Doctors prescribe tenofovir disoproxil fumarate (TDF) 300 mg to help people living with HCV lead healthier and longer lives. The risk of transmitting the virus to others also gets reduced by ART treatment. In addition, the medications help your immune system to recover and be strong enough to fight HIV-related cancers and infections.
Different types of HIV medication
There are different classes or types of HIV medications available today that help to treat HIV without progressing to an advanced stage. Many of these medicines change or block the enzymes that HIV requires to make replicas of itself. HIV fails to copy and multiply itself; therefore, the amount of virus in the body gets reduced to a large extent. Different types of HIV medication are as follows.
- NRTIs or nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors which block or change an enzyme named reverse transcriptase.
- INSTIs or integrase inhibitors, sometimes also referred to as integrase strand transfer inhibitors, block or change an enzyme named integrase.
- NNRTIs or non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors bind and block the reverse transcriptase.
- PIs or protease inhibitors which block an enzyme named protease thus slowing the progression of HIV.
- Pharmacokinetic kinetic enhancers are another class of medication that is given with other types of HIV drugs. These enhancers work by increasing the effectiveness of other drugs by slowing the process of medicine breakdown and enabling medicines to stay in the body for a long time at high concentrations.
- Attachment inhibitors prevent HIV from entering and binding to CD4 cells.
- Fusion inhibitors help in blocking HIV from entering normal cells.
- Post-attachment inhibitors and CCR 5 antagonists block the molecules and prevent HIV from entering normal cells.
- Apart from these, your healthcare professional may also recommend a combination of different drugs such as Efavirenz (antagonists) and Emtricitabine (FTC) 200 mg that help cure your condition and get rid of HIV permanently.
An early diagnosis will result in better treatment outcomes. In addition, due to modern advancements in HIV treatment and medications like Trustiva tablets and antiretroviral therapy, severe complications like opportunistic infection in people have been reduced. Today, because of this treatment, people can live a long, healthy, and better lifestyle.