What to know about HIV treatment?

HIV or Human Immunodeficiency Virus is one of the most dangerous virus known to mankind. There are very few successful methods to fight HIV, but few treatments can help you cope better with the infection. The whole HIV treatment procedure is known as antiretroviral therapy.
To be clear, this therapy does not cure HIV but is more of a containment process. It helps keep the effects at a minimum and gives the patient a chance to lead a longer and healthier life. It also prevents them from spreading it to someone else.
What is HIV?
HIV is a virus that targets the patient’s immune system. It mainly kills the T-cells in your body, responsible for fighting against different viruses and diseases. When this goes on for a considerable period, it can lead to serious health complications and even cancer.
There is a common misconception about HIV transmission. It cannot be transmitted through casual contact like touching or drinking the same water or using the same towel. The main mode of HIV transmission is through bodily fluids like breast milk, vaginal and rectal fluids, blood, and semen.
Cure for HIV
As mentioned already, there is no cure for HIV as of yet. The reason behind this is that the virus inserts itself into the affected person’s DNA. There is no medicine or treatment to eliminate a virus or disease that has inserted itself into a patient’s DNA. Despite the absence of a specific cure, some treatments can be taken to prolong the patient’s life and prevent the immune system from having a complete breakdown.
Antiretroviral therapy is the most effective way as of now to keep HIV in check. This therapy is very vital for people because it stops HIV from converting into AIDS. If someone has AIDS, their life expectancy is as little as three years. But with the treatment mentioned above, their life expectancy can be made almost the same as a normal healthy person.
Also, AIDS destroys the immune system, so the body won’t resist even the smallest infections.
There are several medications used for antiretroviral therapy, and Viraday is one of the most popular ones. It helps the body to fight against HIV and prevents it from transforming into AIDS.