Prevention and Treatment of Hepatitis C

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Eltrombopag Tablets 50 mg
Hepatitis C is an infection that leads to liver inflammation and liver damage. Acute and chronic hepatitis C are the two stages of this infection. This infection is transmitted when a person comes in contact with infected blood. The most common way a person’s body transmits this virus is by sharing syringes and needles.
Diagnosis for hepatitis C
It is important to get screened for hepatitis C before the symptoms show up and cause severe health complications. Your doctor may ask you to go for certain blood tests to ascertain your health condition and signs of liver damage in your body. Imaging tests like MRI, CT scan, and ultrasounds help to detect the presence of the hepatitis C virus in your body and the extent of liver damage, liver cirrhosis, or liver cancer.
You may also be asked to undergo a liver biopsy to assess the damage caused to your liver because of the hepatitis C virus. Hepatitis C is a severe infection; however, it is still treatable and has a good prognosis. Medications like eltrombopag tablets 50 mg(Trombopag 50 mg) help to cure the disease completely.
As per reports by CDC, approximately 15 to 25% of people living with hepatitis C suffer from acute infection and get cleared of the virus within six months. Other 75 to 80% of people living with hepatitis C develop chronic illness, which may last for a lifetime if not treated promptly. Chronic hepatitis C can develop serious complications like cirrhosis, chronic liver disease, and even liver cancer.
Treatment options for hepatitis C
With the advancement in medical science, effective treatment and medications have come up to help people treat Hepatitis C and fight the infection in a much better way. One common and standard treatment for hepatitis C that has existed for decades was antiviral therapy which included ribavirin and pegylated interferon. Interferon treatment lasts six months to a year, and approximately 40 to 50% of patients having hepatitis C got cured because of this treatment. Traditional medications and treatment options increase the chances of liver diseases.
However, hepatitis C can be treated directly with the help of direct-acting antiviral drugs like eltrombopag tablets 50 mg which are considered more effective and useful compared to traditional interferon treatment. Consult your doctor to best know about eltrombopag tablets 50 mg and the right strength.
Medications to treat hepatitis C
The combination of direct-acting antiviral medications can be taken orally, and success rates for treating hepatitis C are 90% to 100%. The length of medical treatment and choice, as well as the medication dosage, depends on the genotype of the hepatitis C virus that the patient has, their medical condition, and the extent of liver damage. Some of the common men’s medications that are prescribed are eltrombopag tablets 50 mg and Trombopag 50 mg.
People can minimize the risk of transmitting the hepatitis C virus by avoiding body piercing or body tattooing performed by people who are unregulated and untrained. Use standard precautions if body fluids or blood have to be handled. This way, it eliminates the risk of spreading hepatitis C. It is important to avoid reusing or sharing injecting equipment like needles, spoons, filters, syringes, swabs, etcetera. Always cover your cuts, abrasions, and open source with proper waterproof dressings. It is important to dispose of used syringes or needles safely in puncture-proof or sealable containers to avoid spreading hepatitis.
People living with hepatitis C must avoid alcohol consumption which can increase liver damage. They must check the supplements or medications and consult a doctor to prevent liver damage. Doctors also suggest people living with hepatitis C get vaccinated against hepatitis A and hepatitis B. There isn’t any permanent cure or vaccine for hepatitis C. A liver transplant remains the only effective treatment option in case of a severe condition like liver failure or liver cirrhosis.