What is Hepatitis B & How do You Get it?

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Entekor 1 mg
Hepatitis B is caused by HBV. It’s a serious liver infection which is very common in India at least. Every year more than 10 lakh cases are registered. It is transmitted through direct contact with other people. If one wants to prevent it, he/she should go for a vaccine. To detect whether you are suffering from this disease or not, you have to go for blood tests. It is a disease which can persist for the whole life and Entekor 1 mg medicine can just help in getting better but cannot cure it completely.
How do you get infected?
It is a disease which spread through a virus by blood, semen, vaginal fluids, unsafe sex practice and from an infected mother to a child. Like every other disease, even this shows some symptoms like nausea, loss of appetite, body aches and fever. It mostly transfers to sexual activity, so, it is recommended to use condom while having sex to prevent it from transferring. It can also be transferred by using the same razor or toothbrush. Another mode of transfer is sharing the same needle for injections, tattoos or piercing. It does not spread through saliva, kissing, hugging, coughing, breastfeeding and coughing.
If one has chronic HBV, it can lead to some serious consequences:
• Scarring of the liver (cirrhosis) – The irritation related with a hepatitis B contamination can prompt broad liver scarring (cirrhosis), which might disable the liver’s capacity to work.
• Liver cancer – Individuals with persistent hepatitis B contamination have an expanded danger of liver disease.
• Liver damage – Intense liver damage is a condition where the crucial elements of the liver shut down. At the point when that happens, a liver transfer is important to support life.
• Different conditions – Individuals with persistent hepatitis B might foster kidney infection or aggravation of veins.
HIV vs Hepatitis B
If you have HIV and have intercourse with men, sell sex, or use drugs, you should talk to your doctor about obtaining the hepatitis B vaccine. This is because HIV-positive people are more prone to develop chronic hepatitis if they contract the virus. If chronic hepatitis is not treated, they are more prone to have liver problems.
Hepatitis B will not make your HIV symptoms worse. However, if you test positive for hepatitis B, you should still tell your doctor so that they can keep a closer eye on your liver. The best method to stay healthy with HIV and hepatitis B co-infection is to take your antiretroviral treatment as directed.
Medicine that can be taken
Entekor 1 mg is a tablet which is generally recommended for Hepatitis B patients. The generic name for the same is Entecavir. It helps in improving the condition of the liver by stopping the spread of virus cell. If patients are not taking any other medicine, then this can be suggested. But none of the medicines should be taken without consulting doctor and same is recommended for this as well. Entekor 1 mg has to be taken once daily after 2 hours of consuming food. There are very fewer side effects of this medicine. It is just headache, dizziness, tiredness and nausea. But Entekor 1 mg can have some serious side effects as well like lactic acidosis, enlarged liver or excessive amount of fat in liver.
It’s not a fatal disease and can be easily tackled with proper vaccination and practicing safe sex. There are certain medicines in the market like Entekor 1 mg which is easily available and can be consumed if one suffers from this but only if the doctor recommends.