What are the Different Treatment Options for Prostate Cancer?

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Enzalutamide – Prostate Cancer
Prostate cancer is common cancer that affects men worldwide. Healthcare professionals treating prostate cancer must develop comprehensive treatment methods tailored for every patient, depending on their health condition. This guide will provide an overview of common treatment methods for both localized as well as advanced cancers.
Localized prostate cancer is a stage when cancerous cells remain confined only in the prostate glands. In metastatic prostate cancer, the cancerous cell spreads to bones and lymph nodes. As per CDC reports, 77% of prostate cancer cases diagnosed every year are found to be localized prostate cancer which can be treated with effective medications like Enzalutamide.
Treatment methods for prostate cancer
Prostate cancer has different types of treatment methods, and your healthcare professional will decide which treatment method is the right for you.
Active surveillance
Your doctor will monitor your prostate cancer stage closely and will prescribe you to undergo prostate-specific antigen tests and prostate biopsy tests. Cancer treatment will begin only if cancer grows rapidly or shows warning signs or symptoms.
Surgery for prostate cancer is known as a prostatectomy when a healthcare professional removes the cancer-affected prostate along with the surrounding tissues.
Radiation therapy
Healthcare professionals will use high-energy rays similar to X-rays to kill the cancerous cells in your prostate glands. Radiation therapies are of two types.
- Internal radiation therapy is known as brachytherapy, where radioactive pellets or seeds are placed surgically near or into the cancerous area to destroy the cancer cells.
- External radiation therapy known is when a machine is placed outside the body to direct radiation at the cancerous cells.
It is known as cryotherapy when a special probe is placed near or inside the prostate cancer region to freeze and kill the cancerous cells. Experts are still investigating this therapy to determine its effectiveness in prostate cancer treatment.
Chemotherapy implies using specialized drugs to kill cancer or shrink the cancer tumor. Chemotherapy drugs or pills can be given through your veins.
Biological therapy
Biological therapy is the treatment procedure for prostate cancer which works with your immunity system to fight cancer or to control the symptoms and side effects caused because of cancer treatments.
High-intensity focused sound waves
This treatment therapy directs ultrasound or high-intensity sound waves and the cancer region to kill the cancerous cells.
Hormone therapy
Hormone therapy acts by blocking the cancerous cells to get the hormones that encourage them to grow and multiply. It helps in treating advanced prostate cancer, and cancer shrinks in size and also reduces its growth rate. This therapy prevents your body from producing testosterone. Prostate cancer cells grow aggressively on testosterone, and cutting off the testosterone supply will make the cancer cell grow slowly.
Immunotherapy treatment option utilizes your body’s immune system to fight against cancer. The immune system of cancer-affected patients may not attack the cancer cells since these cells produce proteins that help them hide from the disease-fighting immune system. Immunotherapy interferes with this process and helps fight against cancer. It is an ideal treatment option for advanced prostate cancer.
Targeted drug therapy
Targeted therapy is an effective treatment that targets specific abnormalities that are present within the prostate cancer cells. Effective medication such as indenza 40 mg capsules (Enzalutamide) helps to block such abnormalities and makes cancerous cells die prematurely. When hormone therapy fails to work effectively, indenza 40 (Enzalutamide)helps to treat recurrent or advanced prostate cancer.