How Sovihep can help treat chronic Hepatitis C?

Hepatitis C is an infection caused by a virus called HCV (Hepatitis C Virus). The virus affects the liver and causes inflammation. Hepatitis C is the main cause of liver cancer.
Global distribution of Hepatitis C
Hepatitis C is a worldwide found disease. The most affected region is the European and eastern Mediterranean region. The estimated prevalence in these areas in 2015 is 2.3% and 1.5%, respectively. The genotype distribution is unknown in many countries. HCV is, however, vaccine curable. HCV is mostly spread in countries where vaccine practices are acute.
Transmission and Symptoms
The virus is spread through blood or other body fluids. The most common ways of virus spread are: –
- Improperly sterilized or reused syringes, razors, or other medical equipment.
- Sharing injection while taking injection drugs
- Transfusion of infected blood
- Unprotected sex (sex that exposes contact of blood)
- Mother to child
However, the virus cannot be transmitted through breastfeeding, sharing food or utensils, kissing, or casual contact.
Hepatitis C is an asymptomatic disease. It causes dark urine symptoms, exhibit fever, weight loss without any reason, nausea, frequent joint or muscle pains.
If one thinks that he/she might be infected, it is suggested to get tested as soon as possible. Early testing can help the patient get treatment before the infection starts to worsen. There are possibilities for HCV to cause liver cancer if hepatitis gets into its chronic stage. Doctors make sure to test the patient frequently to ensure the patient gets treatment for cancer at the early stages.
Prevention is always better than cure. Following a few precautions can help one in preventing the disease.
- Using properly sterilized or new injections, razors, blades, and other health equipment.
- Test the blood for HBV and HCV when applied for donated blood
- Prevention for exposure to blood during sex
Hepatitis B does not require any special treatment if it is in the acute stage. A healthy body is immune enough to fight the virus and clear the infection. But if the infection becomes chronic, then treatment is required.
Sovihep: A cure to Hepatitis C
Sovihep is an antiviral medicine that helps the patient fight the Hepatitis C Virus. Sovihep is used along with a few other medicines to cure hepatitis. The medicine helps the body reduce the spread of the virus and kill the virus present in the blood. The medicine has a few side effects like fatigue, headaches, insomnia, and nausea.