Indenza Helps Patients With Prostate Cancer, Especially During The Pandemic

What is oncology?
Oncology is a term that most of us might have heard without realizing its meaning. To put in technical terms, oncology is the specific branch of medical science that deals with the treatment of cancer. By extension, any research endeavors made for the treatment of any kind of cancer can also be counted under the domain of oncology.
We have advanced a lot in the field of medical science in recent years, but the topic of cancer is still very difficult to deal with. Unfortunately, the cases of cancer patients are also rising rapidly every year, therefore the importance of the field of oncology cannot be discounted.
It is well known that there are various types of cancers, but one of the most widespread form is perhaps prostate cancer. Prostate cancer is a very serious illness, and the patient needs to go through chemotherapy to heal themselves. As we all know, chemotherapy has a range of side effects and can decrease the immunity level of the patient considerably.
This poses a serious problem in the ongoing pandemic scenario. As people with weak immunity were more susceptible to the COVID-19, many of the patients were unwilling to go through chemotherapy. In addition, the transportation lockdowns were also added to the woes of the patients. But thankfully they were saved by the brand Indenza. Indenza is the brand name of generic drug Enzalutamide, which is an option instead of chemotherapy.
How Indenza helps?
INDENZA can help the patients diagnosed with advanced prostate cancer. This drug is generally prescribed to patients who have stopped responding to other kinds of hormone therapies. The advantage of Indenza is that the patients can have it in place of chemotherapy and also if they do not want the chemotherapy at all.
There is a form of hormone therapy commonly given to prostate cancer patients, which is known as abiraterone. If the patient already has had this therapy, then they are not eligible to use Indenza.
Indenza has been a boon to oncology and the patients, as during the recent coronavirus outbreak the world has been in shutdown. So, it has been very difficult to make and keep hospital appointments. Moreover, chemotherapy tends to reduce the immunity level of the patients and that makes them more prone to catching infections, which is very dangerous in the present climate. The Indenza drug not only eliminates the risk of lowering immunity levels, it offers more protection against the infections. Of course, it eliminates the risk of making hospital appointments for treatments. Also, it has been found that the drug is very helpful for the patients if given in the early stages, instead of chemotherapy.
However, before taking the drug, make sure to consult with a doctor. If prostate cancer has spread to major parts of the body and your body does not respond well to steroids, then Indenza is the best option for you and it also reduces the risk of undergoing chemotherapy. Another advantage of Indenza is that the side effects are minimal, and no one gets all of them at once. But still, always consult your doctor before taking any drug, as everyone’s body is different and responds differently to the same treatment.
This is how the drug Indenza has been helping the patients continue their treatment, and has been a boon to the oncologists amidst this pandemic.