How Hepatitis C Leads to Liver Cancer?

Hepatitis C leads to Liver Cancer
HPV is not the only virus that leads to cancer since many other viruses are associated with cancer. There are many viruses apart from HPV linked directly to cancer, such as hepatitis C, which leads to liver cancer. This is one of the most common and deadly blood-borne infections, the prime cause of liver cancer. Approximately 30% of individuals who contracted this virus automatically get cleared of the virus. If it doesn’t, then it leads to chronic hepatitis C diseases.
Hepatitis C is a chronic infection that leads to liver inflammation. The excess inflammation leads to scarring of the liver, also known as cirrhosis, which may also cause liver cancer. There is no such vaccine for hepatitis C as hepatitis A and hepatitis B, and people don’t tend to show symptoms. Therefore, it is also referred to as silent infection here. The virus mutates rapidly, so it is always advisable to get screened against cancer caused by the hepatitis C virus. If you get early treatment for this virus, you can lower the risk of having liver cancer by a rate of 75percent.
Risk factors
Around 75% of people infected with the hepatitis C virus in the US were born between 1945 and 1965 and are called baby boomers. It’s not certain why this specific group of people is at higher risk of getting exposed to this virus, and their risk of getting this disease is five times more than people falling under other age groups. Some more risk factors that can cause this infection are-
- Hemodialysis (long term).
- Exposed to needle /infected blood in the medical setting.
- Blood transfusion or organ transplant before 1992.
- Exposed to the virus via IV drug use.
- Tattoo or piercing is done in unclean surroundings with the help of unsterile equipment.
- Kids who are borne of hepatitis C + women.
- Infection via any sexual contact.
Screening and getting treatment
It is important to detect the mild signs and other factors and get timely screened as chronic infectious diseases don’t show any symptoms. It may be detected with the help of a blood test and get treated where the virus is being eliminated. With effective treatment and medications such as Sofosbuvir 400 mg and daclatasvir 60 mg taken over 2-3 months, doctors can treat this virus in 90% to 95% of cases. SoviHep V is an effective medication that combines two antiviral medicines.
Hepatitis C is a liver infection that is caused due to HCV (hepatitis C Virus). Sovihep v tablet helps reduce the number of viruses by not allowing them to spread in your body and allows you to recover faster. sovihep 400 mg tablet must be taken in the strength as prescribed by the doctor. It helps in recovering faster and prevents the mutilation of the virus. Medications like Velpatasvir 100 mg and sofosbuvir 400 mg are also effective in treating chronic hepatitis C.
How hepatitis C leads to liver cancer?
All the people suffering from hepatitis C don’t get liver cancer. A person will be at high risk of liver cancer if they get scarring in the liver, known as cirrhosis. Cirrhosis occurs in around 20% of people suffering from hepatitis C in the long term phase. Cirrhosis takes twenty years to develop, and during this phase, the healthy liver cells get replaced slowly with scar tissue. As the scars grow, the liver tries to make more cells, and this mutation occurs and leads to cancerous tumors.