Things Everyone Needs To Know about Coronavirus

The WHO or world health organization now recognizes the coronavirus as a health emergency that the world needs to take seriously. This infection has claimed over 1100 lives so far in China. The outbreak started in Wuhan, a central city situated in China. This is what led to the closure of around 29 urban locations.
The coronaviruses that affect the human race cannot be laboratory developed properly. This is in contrast to others like rhinovirus. This means that measuring the effect it has on public health and world economies is tough.
Since there is no treatment available for the virus, one needs to take care of them and use the prescribed OTCs. If you are infected, you are advised to:
• Avoid overexertion and get adequate rest
• Drink lots of water
• Stay away from smoke zones and avoid smoking
• Seek treatment for any of the symptoms that you may be having including pain and fever
• Make use of vaporizers or humidifier
The death toll from coronavirus infections has risen higher than those reported in the SARS outbreak. The SARS outbreak killed about 800 people and this started in China as well. The coronavirus has exceeded the number of deaths reported with other outbreaks and there is a chance that even more deaths will be reported following the presence of disease in other parts of the word.
Spread of the virus
Research is already underway to establish more important information about the corona virus. However, it is clear that person-to-person contamination is one of the quickest ways to catch the illness. Health workers in China are at high risk and so far, many have been infected with the virus. The infections make use of droplets secreted from the patient’s respiratory system.
The virus can be easily spread through:
• Sneezing or coughing while the nose or mouth is not covered. This disperses infected droplets into the surrounding air leading to infection
• Touching an individual that is already infected
• Touching objects or surfaces that are infected and then touching your mouth, eyes, or nose
• Contact with infected feces
In most cases, the coronaviruses are common during fall and winter season even though other times of the year are also affected. It is possible to contract many diseases in a lifespan and youngsters are more vulnerable to such infections. What makes the coronavirus infectious dangerous is the fact that they are mutative in nature. If you are infected, it is advisable to remain at home and until you get better so as not to contact others. General hygiene measures can make a big difference in preventing more infections.
The Novel coronavirus detected in China is deadly because it mostly affects animals. The death toll rises every day. More infection cases are being reported globally and efforts are being made to stop the spread while offering urgent medical attention to the people infected so far.