Sorafekast (Sorafenib): A Very Useful Medicine in Oncology
Oncology is the study as well as treatment of cancer cells or in everyday language, tumors. Many types of cancers are spreading their roots in our society. One such medicine that is very helpful in tackling such conditions is Sorafekast (Sorafenib).
The Areas of Application:
Sorafekast (Sorafenib) is effective in treating a type of cancer in the kidney and a type of cancer in the liver. Also, it is effective in a certain type of thyroid cancer that has spread to most parts of the body. These cancers cannot be removed via surgery nor with other medicines.
The medicine works on the principle of blocking or shutting out unwanted cancer cells. It belongs to a class of medicines called tyrosine kinase inhibitors. It works by helping the body to remove unwanted cancer cell protein.
Benefits in Respective Cancer Cases:
Trials have shown that when compared to a placebo, Sorafenib has prolonged progression-free survival in cases of renal cell cancer wherein therapy proved to be obsolete.
Compared to a placebo, Sorafekast (Sorafenib) has been much more efficient in subduing hepatocellular carcinoma, or cancer growth in the liver. Nearly a three-month improvement has been seen in many cases.
Also, this medicine has proven to work much better with doxorubicin in cases of advanced hepatocellular carcinoma. Those suffering from such type of cancerous cell growth were provided with both. The progression-free survival has proved to longer in such cases.
The thyroid carcinoma that is resistant to radioactive iodine treatment has also treated with Sorafekast (Sorafenib). Here also, there has been an improvement in terms of progression-free survival. But, in cases of overall survival, not much good news can be noted.
It can be concluded that this medicine has high effectiveness in the treatment of cancer. There are many benefits to this medicine. It should be used only in accordance with the doctor’s opinions since there are many side effects to it.