What is prostate cancer, and who falls in the high-risk factor category?

The prostate gland is a major organ in men, and with age or due to other reasons, the prostate can grow cancerous. The prostate glands in men are situated in the front part of the rectum and below the urinary bladder. The urethra also goes around this gland. This gland is known for controlling the urinary bladder and the production of the semen in men’s bodies. Due to several reasons, the prostate gland can grow in size, and in severe cases, the cells can turn cancerous. Prostate cancer is much slower in speed, and thus the spread can be controlled. However, with proper abirakast uses and treatments, it can be treated in time.
Risk factors
Though the direct causes behind prostate cancer are still not that clear, the researchers have found many factors that can cause one to be in the high-risk category. Some of the risk factors in men for prostate cancer are:
- Those who smoke are at higher risk.
- If a person has any family history of prostate cancer in the past or recently.
- If there is any family history of ovarian cancer.
- Those who lead a sedentary lifestyle and intake high-fat food.
- Those who are obese have a higher risk of prostate cancer.
Symptoms and diagnosis
Usually, in the initial stages of prostate cancer, no symptom can be identified. That is the reason why, most of the time, the cancer goes unnoticed for a longer time. There can be few symptoms in advanced stages, including bone pain, blood in urine, and bladder emptying difficulty. This is the reason why abirakast is prescribed to patients by a doctor.
When it comes to diagnosis, there are certain ways the doctors can test the presence of enlarged prostate or cancerous prostate. There are few things that doctors test by:
- Rectal examination using digital methods.
- Blood and urinary biomarkers.
- Antigen test, which is prostrate specific.
These days treating prostate cancer has become much easier as compared to before. Today there are many treatments like surgery, radiation therapy, immunotherapy, HIFU, medications like abirakast dosage, etc. With timely diagnosis, it can treat totally. One should go for regular checkups of the prostate, especially if there is any medical history of cancer in the family. Also, because there are hardly any symptoms that one can see in the early stages.